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Logistic & Postal Automation

Mission for Acluster LLC in East Asia

Our initiative is to incorporate our proven state of art technology to integrate Logistic with ecommerce solutions under one single platform. Be a leader in the logistics, distributions, click to Delivery solutions.

Area of Interest

Identify the areas in existing logistic, distribution facility to improve efficiency.
Introduce efficient logistic design with high throughput and automatic goods handling system.
Maximize the utilization of warehouse with minimum number of resources, automate sorting of the goods and establish single click to delivery system.
Reduce the number and sizes of warehouses around the country and reduce the transportation vehicles by most efficient distribution system which will improve the operating cost for delivery of goods.
Increase profit margin of the company by freeing up the cash which can be invested for business investment
Create new employment and supply chain.
Acluster LLC provides customized solutions as required

Bin Multiplexing

Our Sorter systems with Bin Multiplexing

Reduce cost of sorter by improving the bin density
Right fit for smaller facility
Easy for operator
Modular belt sorters with Bin Multiplexing
NBS sorters with Bin Multiplexing with Bin Multiplexing
NBS sorters with Bin Multiplexing
Mix mail sorters with Bin Multiplexing
Mix mail sorters to Deutsche Post with Bin Multiplexing


Our Mix mail sorters

We design and implement Mix mail sorter tailoring to your needs.


  • Multiple sorters options
  • Primary loop sorter
    Mix Mail Linear sorters
    Mini Induct sorters
  • Loop Sorter
  • Throughput 40,000/ Hour
    360 cells
  • Mix Mail Sorter
  • Throughput 7200/ Hour
    100 Bins
    Use 4 NBS sorter
    Use 4 modular belting sorter
  • Bin Multiplexing
  • Reduce cost of sorter by improving the bin density
    Right fit for smaller facility
    Easy for operator

    Sorter layout

    Typical Sorter Layout we sold to DHL

  • Dumping Station
  • Manual or Automated
    As needed by customer
  • Separation System
  • Singulate the bulk mail
    As needed by customer
  • Prep and Gapping
  • Separate mail automatically
    Gap it to optimize throughput
  • Dynamic DWS
  • Weight
    Dimension, BCR, OCR
  • Display
  • Display warning and info
  • Label Applicator
  • Apply variable length label
  • Pre-sorter
  • As needed by customer
    Presort mission critical mail
  • Lanes to secondary sorter
  • Product can go to multiple sorter or multiple induct
    As needed by customer

    New Service

    Automated Mix Mail Sorting sold to DHL

    Logistic for everyone including our competitors!

  • High capacity automated Mix Mail Sorting
  • Process, sort and deliver all Flats mail and Packages
    Sort all Parcels for the other courier services and deliver to their hub or clients
    Sort and delivery the parcel originated from the eCommerce hub
    Sort inbound mail to the carrier route for faster and quicker delivery
    Improve the security of our customer parcels since it will be mostly handled by the automation
    Automate inspection of the contraband and suspected products will help improve the law enforcement
    Tracking of all the goods
    Automatic Data collection will help future expansion and business analytics

    Ecommerce Solution

    Automated eCommerce Fulfillment center in Amazon, California

    Designed, installed and commissioned by Fluence Automation and Acluster LLC. Expecting an order over 60 million USD for year 2020.

    AClusterLLC is responsible for system design and control design.


    Basic sorting using sort to Light

  • For inbound packages
  • TCaptures information for input into Warehouse Management
    Full-featured, automated DWS (Dimension/Weigh/Scan) with 300+ DPI image resolution
    Industry-best OCR-BCR performance
    Automates generation of Shipping/Manifest labels with high definition bar-codes
    Enables shipping discounts with Consolidation House/Expedited Couriers

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